The SAJCN's online system: Helpful and successful

  • Demetre Labadarios Tygerberg Hospital, University of Stellenbosch


Technology is wonderful, and it is. The skeptics though will no doubt hasten to add, “when it works. Experience indicates that the latter can be argued successfully. It is therefore gratifying to be able to confirm, that, barring a few gremlins that crept in here and there, the SAJCN online system is almost fully functional. It has been a very steep learning curve for authors, reviewers, editors and the publisher alike. They all contributed admirably to the SAJCN’s successful transition to the new system. Grateful as one is for the gallant efforts of all role players involved, a particular word of thanks goes to the reviewers who managed to achieve a remarkably short time for reviewing their allocated manuscripts.
How to Cite
Labadarios, D. (1). The SAJCN’s online system: Helpful and successful. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 21(2), 5. Retrieved from
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