Editor’s note
The first Executive Editorial Board meeting of this year was held and specifically aimed at appraising the current status of the SAJCN as well as identifying opportunities for the further growth of our Journal. The identified needs included the revision, as necessary, of current editorial policies, the creation of new features such as domain specific position papers, the recruitment of additional reviewers, the canvassing for additional manuscripts, increasing awareness of the SAJCN as well as improving internal and external communication. A draft proposal will be prepared for presentation to the entire Editorial Board for discussion, additional inputs and finalisation. A combined meeting of the Editorial Board together with the SAJCN’s Management Board is also being planned during the course of the year.
How to Cite
Labadarios, D. (2018). Editor’s note. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 31(2), 3. Retrieved from http://sajcn.redbricklibrary.com/index.php/SAJCN/article/view/1339
Editor's Note
Material submitted for publication in the South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SAJCN) is accepted provided it has not been published elsewhere. Copyright forms will be sent with acknowledgement of receipt and the SAJCN reserves copyright of the material published.
The SAJCN does not hold itself responsible for statements made by the authors.